Wednesday, 9 January 2013

SAP IS-Utilities - Introduction


          The SAP Utilities (IS-U) component is a sales and information system that supports all business processes and utility services of a utility company. You can use IS-U for managing and billing residential, commercial and industrial, and prospective customers. This component also allows you to manage and bill customers who receive services, purchase goods, or pay fees and taxes. 

        With today’s deregulated markets and increasing competition, it is important that you address your customers’ needs as best as possible, use operative information tailored to their specific requirements, and maximize revenue potential. As an integrated part of mySAP ERP, SAP Utilities provides you with all the benefits of a comprehensive and effective Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP) System.
       SAP Utilities helps you to keep your business processes as streamlined and as efficient as possible. As a single software solution, SAP Utilities eliminates incompatible and isolated information in the back office. With SAP Utilities, you can access data at any time from diverse business areas, providing you with the information you need to make the right decisions.

Activity Sectors 
- Electricity, Gas, Water, Sewer, Cable TV
• Capability to create new activity sectors
• One company -> One or More activity sectors
- Residential and Non-Residential clients
- Regulated and Deregulated markets

The potential benefits?
·         Reduced cost-to-serve
·         Reduced processing time – from meter reading to invoice to bill correction
·         Increased number of customers and average revenue per customer
·         Lower energy-procurement costs
·         Lower maintenance costs
·         Reduced accident-frequency rate
·Fewer outages

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