Friday, 6 December 2013

FICA: BPC-3. Deferrals & Installment plans

The business transaction “Installment plan” enables to arrange payment by installments for the receivables (like new connection security deposit) as per the connection plan offered to the customer.
The installment amount and due date depends on the installment plan type. The individual installments and their due dates are specified in the Installment plan. To avoid having due dates fall at the weekend or on public holidays, refer to the factory calendar when determining these dates.

Instalment Plan

An instalment plan consists of a statistical document with several instalment receivables. The individual instalment receivable will be cleared upon payment. The number of instalment plan is stored is saved in the stored items of the Business Partner (Customer).

Business Processes involved:-

01.01   Create Installment plan

When User creates an installment plan, the company code, contract etc are taken from the original item, as long as these fields have the same value in all original items selected.
When User enters a charges amount, the system posts a document for the installment plan charges. During posting charges documents is automatically transferred to the installment plan for the source receivables.
T-Code: FPR1

01.02   Change Installment plan

It is possible to
    1. Delete installments or add further installments
    2. Change the due date and the amount of each individual installment receivable, provided the installment receivable has not yet been paid (at the time of Alteration modification to the existing connection customer requests for the installment plan change i.e. add or delete installments)
    3. Deactivate installment plan (at the time of Contract Termination or permanent disconnection)
T-Code: FPR2

01.03   Display Installment plan

    1. Display installment plan changes
    2. Display/change processing locks
T-Code: FPR3

Related User Roles:-

SAP_FI_CA_OUTSTANDING_PAYMENTS Create / Change / Display Installment Plans. Installment plan History.



Basic Configurations:-


Posting Areas related :-

1100  Installment Plan Default Entries
1101  Installment Plan Charges Specifications
1105  Installment Plan Interest: Specifications
R490  Charge for Items in Installment Plan
1103  Inst.Plan: Activate Enhancement for Surcharges/Interest
1104  Inst.Plan: Exclude Main/Subtransaction for Surcharges

Events Related:-

120    Clearing: Distrib. Amount to Coll. Inv./Inst. Plan/Bundling
708    Correspondence: Print Installment Plan
709    Correspondence: Create Installment Plan
728    Correspondence: Print Payment Forms for Instlmts
729    Correspondence:Create Payment Forms for Instlmts
1760    Mass Activity: Print Installment Plans
1761    Mass Activity: Installment Plan Printing (Move Parameters)
1817    Mass Act.: Select Installment Plan for BW
1818    Mass Act.: Select Installment Plan for BW, Shift Parameters
1880    Mass Activity: Snapshot of Installment Plan on Key Date
1881    Adjuster Module for Installment Plan Analysis for Key Date
1882    Distribution Algorithm – Installments for Source Receivables
2525    BW: Read and Buffer Master Data for Installment Plans
2530    BW: Maintain Additional Fields for Installment Plans
3000    Installment Plan: Transfer Fields from Source Itms
3005    Installment Plan: Change Amount and Due date
3010    Installment Plan: Select Source Receivables
3015    Installment Plan: Display Additional Fields
3020    Installment Plan: Exclude Source Receivables (1)
3025    Installment Plan: Exclude Source Receivables (2)
3026    Installment Plan: Consistency Checks
3027    Installment Plan: Applictn-Specific Add. Checks
3028    Installment Plan: Hide Functions
3029    Installment Plan: Check for IS-U Payment Schedule
3030    Installment Plan: Determine Calendar ID
3031    Installment Plan: Determine Print Type for Payment Forms
3032    Installment Plan: Changing Charge Amount
3033    Installment Plan: Penalty Charge/Inflation Offset (Brazil)
3040    Installment Plan: After Creation
3041    Installment Plan: After Change
3044    Installment Plan After Deactivation (Orig. Clearing Info)
3045    Installment Plan: After Deactivation
3050    Installment Plan: Print
3055    Installment Plan: Additional Fields on Screen 0300
5506    Dual Control Principle: Check Installment Plan

1 comment:

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